Online Resources

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Crash Course Learning.

  • These videos give a good overview of the big picture concepts presented from various Anatomy & Physiology chapters.  They would be a good first step to start to become familiar with what you'll be reading in the textbook and studying in your notes.  


Osmosis YouTube channel.

  • These videos discuss the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of several pathologies that relate to anatomy and physiology.  


McGraw-Hill YouTube Channel.

  • This channel has several very short video animations to review physiology concepts from Anatomy & Physiology.  These are worth watching and re-watching until you have mastered the terms and concepts presented.  


Innerbody Anatomy Review website (virtual torso models).

  • This website offers a general review of anatomical structures (as if you were in the lab using the plastic torso models).


Yves Clermont, Michael Lalli, Zsuzsanna Bencsath-Makkai Histology Atlas.

  • This website offers microscope slides of various tissues and organs, with helpful descriptions and labels to assist you as you study.


Whitman College Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection.

  • This website offers labeled pictures and descriptions to take you through the most common dissections performed on the fetal pig for an Anatomy & Physiology course.


Biology Corner Virtual Sheep Heart Dissection.

  • This website offers step-by-step dissection images and descriptions during a standard dissection of the sheep heart.

Biology Corner Virtual Sheep Brain Dissection.

  • This website offers step-by-step dissection images and descriptions during a standard dissection of the sheep brain.

Biology Corner Virtual Cow Eye Dissection.

  • This website offers step-by-step dissection images and descriptions during a standard dissection of the cow eye.


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