Quiz - Mechanics Diagnostic

  • Due No due date
  • Points 25
  • Questions 25
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts 2


Week 2quiz - mechanics diagnostic


Purpose of the quiz: This diagnostic quiz is intended to permit students an opportunity to discover areas of grammar and punctuation that may need reinforcement for writing success. You will be allowed to take the quiz twice.

How is the quiz constructed and with which course resources? The quiz is derived from material accessed in The Little Seagull Handbook.  It is multiple-choice with unlimited attempts, so you should take the quiz as many times as needed to score 100%.  

Helpful tips for success: The quiz is open book, so keep your Little Seagull Handbook handy while taking the quiz. Be sure to take notes on specific questions that you answer incorrectly so that you can brush up on those skills throughout the course.

Remember that CCC has free tutoring services, so please take advantage of these services provided to you.

Assignment Outcomes: This quiz aligns with the following course and general education outcomes.

  • Identify academic genre conventions, including thesis statements, organization patterns, paragraph and sentence structures, grammar, and punctuation (CO)
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes